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Friday, June 19, 2009

The personal liability policy

What would you do if ...

a mishap occurred and caused damage or injuries beyond the terms of your Homeowners or Auto insurance?
you found yourself on the wrong end of a multi-million dollar lawsuit?

Naturally, most people don’t expect the unthinkable to happen to them — but sometimes it does.

Who can I sue?
We’ve all seen the ads: “Have you been injured? You may be entitled to a cash award!” It’s sad but true — we live in a very litigious, lawsuit-happy society. And judges and juries are handing down larger monetary awards than ever before. Still, individuals and businesses alike must continue to take risks in order to thrive and grow. Although there’s no way to completely avoid the possibility of being sued, there is a way to help reduce the potential impact of a devastating lawsuit: personal liability coverage.

Get under the umbrella
Farmers Personal Liability Umbrella insurance supplements the liability coverage you already have through your Homeowners or Auto insurance and provides an extra layer of protection through increased or excess coverage limits. The umbrella policy kicks in when you reach the limit on your underlying liability coverage. It also will cover you for libel and slander. Most importantly, the cost of your legal defense is provided for a covered loss.

Life is uncertain — plan for it
You worked hard to accumulate your assets — don’t forget to protect them. You never know when the unexpected might ruin not just your day but also your well-laid financial plans for the future. Call me for more information and share this with a friend or family member. You just might make their day!

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